The sad passing of 'Diego'
It is with great sadness that Animals Saving Animals has to announce the passing of Belgian Malinois 'Diego' Ol Pejeta's Triple role anti-poaching dog. He unfortunately contracted Bone cancer and the decision was made for the good of Diego to put him to sleep.
Ol pejeta was one of the first conservancies to introduce K9 support as part of their security strategy; used in the reduction of wildlife crime triple role dog 'Diego loved this new role (triple role-track, search and attack). He has worked with diligence and dedication at the conservancy as a member of the anti-poaching team since 2013. He was donated by Bimbi Dyer and trained at the conservancy by the dog unit with the assistance of Daryll Pleasants our trainer. He will be missed by everyone on the dog unit, Ol Pejeta staff and ASA. Below are some photos of him throughout his career from puppy to protector and see him in action below in the video 'Good Boy Diego'