Limpopo-Lipadi is a private game and wilderness reserve on the northern bank of the Limpopo River in Tuli Block sited within south-east Botswana. At 207 square kilometres it is large enough to sustain a natural balance of wildlife with the vision for Limpopo-Lipadi to return previously farmed and hunted land into the wild natural area it once was whilst aiming to provide education, jobs and other opportunities for neighbouring communities. The Tuli is famed for its elephants and a breeding herd with a good number of bulls roams the full expanse of the reserve.
Animals Saving Animals are pleased to announce that they have deployed two triple role dogs to Limpopo-Limpadi, The first dog 'Savas' arrived on the 26th August 2018 and the second 'Primaa' arrived on the 5th March 2019 . They will be the first two dogs working in south east Botswana and were donated by the North Star foundation and Mrs A Atkins. Their continuation training and deployment has been funded by the Real Africa trust
Watch here for more updates about the training of these two new dogs!